I just got back from St. John's Newfoundland for work. It was not at all what I expected. The harbor is far most industrial with ugly mine cuts into the rock than pretty postcards depict. None the less I fell in love with the place. The people are friendly, in maritime style, and generally everyone is willing to help with anything.
To anyone visiting I recommend the hike up Signal Hill, it was gorgeous and 5 min to its start, from downtown. I was pleasantly surprised that there are trials everywhere, apparently a wealthy businessman established them all over the city, it really adds to the appeal for me.
I took the brief opportunity to check out Newfoundlands only climbing gym, Wallnuts. The place was packed and business seemed great. The gym is not very big but the crew of climbers is awesome and it is well run. I think layout changes could easily make far more appealing angle changes for better climbing but everyone there seemed content. The hold selection was quite good also.
I was a bit surprised by the lack of difficult problems, given the amount of outdoor rock for people to get strong on and stay physced. The place is an untapped gem from what I can see!
I will definitely be back to Newf for work and plan a longer trip next time for some exploration. 5 star.