I spent part of the week in PEI pitching a school for a wall installation project. It went well, I suspect it will go forward, but slowly. This will be the first "real" wall in a high school in the Maritimes I think. I need to get administration to see the value in just one, then use the model to propagate them through different districts. One step at a time I guess.
Friday morning I left PEI to NB to go to our ultrasound appointment. Ellen and I are having a boy! I am excited, it feels real now. I want to name him John III and just "three" for short. Ellen is not so keen. Not sure why really. I also suggested Riley, after our dog...I like the dog.
An couple hours after I found out, I was in the air for Edmonton Alberta for work for a week. So many distractions, it is impossible to train and I am eating bad. I am getting fat and have some work to do for comp season, but I am feeling healed and motivated, so I suspect as soon as I return and training resumes it will come back quick.