Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A legend is gone

I have never been one to have a hero. People are fallible and the most gifted is equally flawed in some other way, but certain people shape your views and life in their own way, even if only by myth. You cannot place to much faith in a legend, but it has it own way of inspiring your ideals which you spend your life chasing.

If you shoot for the stars and come up short, hopefully you will land on the moon. John Bachars exploits have captured me since I began climbing and set about the style and ethics I have aspired to from my start. He upheld what I believed and believe in. Even if I can never achieve it, he set my bar. Thanks for daring to do what you did, thanks for being a legend.

Bachar 1957-2009

Photo Supertopo.com Karl Baba

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